About Us

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Dr. Huang’s lab has been focusing on the discovery of the bioactive constituents in Chinese Ethnic Minority Traditional Drugs, and the further investigation of their molecular mechanisms and protein targets.

Key Laboratory of Structure-Based Drug Design & Discovery (KLSBDDD), located in Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, was established by the Ministry of Education in China in 2009. The KLSBDDD integrates the core technology platform of several subjects including the pharmaceutical chemistry, natural medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical plant cultivation, analytical chemistry, cellular and molecular biology and pharmacology, and primarily aims at designing and discovering novel small molecule drugs, according to the protein targets crucially involved in the human major diseases. The overall space is nearly 50,000 square meters and contains 34 million RMB of research instruments, such as MALDI-FT-MS, MALDI-TOF-MSn, laser scanning confocal microscope, transmission electron microscope, FACScan™ flow cytometer, EPC-10 double patch clamp amplifier, Bruker ARX-600 MHz, circular dichroism system and Ф150mm preparative HPLC system etc. [See our team members]

Dr. Jian Huang

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Dr. Huang separated and identified biological active compounds against inflammation, tumor and neurodegenerative diseases from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ethnic Minority Traditional Medicine, such as Ferula dissecta (Ledeb.) Ledeb, Cichorium intybus and Salvia officinalis etc. Moreover, she investigated the underlying signal transduction pathway and the compound-protein interaction targets (HO-1, PARP and SIRT3 etc), and found that programmed cell death including apoptosis and autophagy played important roles in the development and clinical therapy of neurodegenerative diseases, which might lay a solid foundation for the innovative drug research.